Community Empowerment
Self Help Groups
Role of the women in the process of development is considered as vital as to be fit for the process. The process we have adopted to make them advanced one to participate & to contribute their resources in the form of money to their respective family through Self Help Group (SHG). In this venture the organization has formed 50 nos. of women SHG till the end of this activities year 2012 more effort has been taken for SC & ST and back ward community.
Rehabilition of Leprosy cured persons
The WCMG is managing the project for welfare of the cured leprosy at Santidan Leprosy Colony, Khurda. There are 100 nos. of cured leprocy persons have been settled in this center out of this 100 are ladies. These ladies has been given skill development training on tailoring, commercial art & popet making. These skilled women are able to earn a standard for their self maintenance.
Leprosy cured programme
This leprosy cured programme is a continuing programme WCMG since the year 1999-2000 & it if in the process of continuation. It is a programme support by the ministry of social justice & empowerment, New Delhi. Following are the activities performed by the organization during this year 2012-13 :
- Vocational training to leprosy cured persons
- A counseling center
- Health check up camp
- Case treatment & referral services
- Awareness generation programme
- Home for several disable persons
- Arrangement of fooding, clothing & medicines for home
- Education & VT programme
- Football tournament
- Khadi & Village Industry programme (silk cotton khadi production center)
Leprosy Cured Programme
Leprosy cured production center:
Work hard & it has no substitute work is essential not only for the sake of money & economic independence but for self esteem & self dignity ? Leading to an abiding joy for life of every individuals, by the by it is significant for one self esteem & financial gain. So in this venture the organization has taken suitable measures by providing skill development training on Bamboo handicraft, Coir making & Craft making work to leprosy cured persons project at Santidan L.C.P. colony, Khurda.
Mobile medical unit for disabled persons
The organization started a Mobile medical unit for disability persons in Odisha. In this unit the disable persons are getting free medical check up, free medicines & referal services.
Counseling Center:
- As to legacy it has ensured the quality & standard rehabilitation.
- Provision of domicile treatment all over the coverage area of the district through trained staff.
- Provision made for leprosy persons to avail mobile medicine facility by the doctors team with latest medical technology.
- Detection of persons going to be affected through servey unit & provision of treatment door step.
- Support service to disabled one by providing them early detection, rapentic services treatment of ulcers, supplying prosthetic shoes & other equipment of prosthesis.
The counseling center for leprosy patients 10 lakhs a vital role as because it is statutory by the provision meant for the purpose.
Health Programme
Community Health Programme
Our WCMG has taken inititive to educate public mass on mass family norms, various cause of diseases taking place in our body & remedisal measures or to say preventive measures or partice to passes a normal health. Our workers are there to motivate the community to adopt immunization AMVC, prenatal & post natal care of both the mother & the child community is to mobilize for use of various methods of small family norms as well as the fragrance of AIDS.
Health Check up Camp:
The organization has organized 60 nos. health check up camps in rural & tribal areas during this year, 6755 persons (male 1842 nos. & children of both sex 1238 nos.) were provided free medicines & health check up programme on International women's day at Sautitan, Khurda.
AIDS Awareness Programme:
A 3 days AIDS awareness programme was organized at Khurda where 80 nos. of participants from 80 nos. of NGOs from the state had participated in this programme. The participants discussed 9 on fatal consequences of AIDS that is found like an epidemic in the country.
Awareness on R.C.H.
Reproductive child health, it is a programme of the health department of protect the new born baby as well as the mother from mortality. Still then there is some blind notions in the mind of remote rural areas people about pre-natal & post-natal care that is the cause of mother & child mortality. So keeping this issue in the action plan, the organization has conducted 3 nos. of Awareness Camps in Ranpur block of Nayagarh district, Bolagarh block & Begunia block of Khurda district. It was programme of one day for each block.
Pulse Polio Drive:
The WCMG has been providing support services to the immunization team of the Govt. at the time of immunization programme by the health workers on the following health activities.
- Awareness about control
- Safe drinking water & sanitation
- Awareness training on ORS
- Drugs de-adiction
Educational Activities
Residential School for SC & St Students:
The women community management group has started residential school for SC / ST students in Rourkela of Sundargarh district. The students are being provided free boarding & loading along with free study materials. There are teachers to take the whole responsibilities of the institutions & it is ours attempt of success present 124 students are reading with 5 nos. of teachers.
Child Labour School
The organization has set up 2 nos. of child labour school at Nayagarh & another at 120 nos. of child have been given emphasis on vocational training along with primary education. There has developed a fine co-operation & regular interaction among teacher & parents at a regular manner, these schools has better impact in the locality.
Special School for Mental Retaldation:
Mental retardation is not an illness rather the condition of one's mind significantly it is lower than a normal person in regards to intelligence, capacity to deliver matter, to carry out the activities. The WCMG has set up an institution since last 3 years at Bolagarh of Khurda district. Now there are 58 nos. of students have been given opportunity on education & care. 5 nos. of teachers are engaged 50 teach & take care of those mntally retarded students.
Special School for Handicapped (Deaf, Dumb & Blind)
WCMG has inititated a programme of education for physical handicapped person in Rayagada District since last 2 years. There are 60 students of elementary age group availing free education facilities. 4 nos. of teacher are there to take care of those students upto IV standard.
Science & Technology
The organization has conducted 2 nos. of training programme on Science & Technology in 2 blocks like Begunia & Bolagarh under Khurda district there were 30 individuals from Bolagarh & 28 individuals from Begunia block has participated in this training programme. They were imparted training on construction of Bio Gas Plant at their backyard area through cow down & production of Solar energy from sun light.
Library Facility
The Women Community Management Group had developed a library facility activity for common people & students. There are 6682 nos. of Books are available with news paper & magazines & other publications for the purpose.
Sustainable Agriculture & Horticulture Programme
Nursery Plant:
A centralized nursery plant has been setup at Bolagarh block as an income generation programme to supply nursery plants to local public with a subsidized price for the sake of protection to environment 25,000 seedlings & supplying has been raised for the purpose of supply, which will generate money for the organization as well as to the growers of locality on mango, jack fruit, teak, bamboo, eucalyptus & guava like fruit bearing & in others for timber purpose.
Training on Mushroom Cultivation
The organization has organized 7 days training programme on pickle making in Ranpur block. It is a source of income generation to women group 112 ladies in two phases have taken opportunity out of this programme.
National Environment Awareness Campaign
The organization, like previous year organized National Environment Awareness Campaign Programme this year by the support of Ministry of Forest & Environment Govt. of India New Delhi the programme was organized.
Training & Awareness Activities
Income Generation & Rehabilition for Women:
The Women Community Management Group has organized SWADHAR Nayagarh respectively. 582 women have been provided vocational training on education, health check up & other activities.
Sanitation Programme
The organization has take up sanitation programme in the community with proper toilet & sanitation facility for the poor families. It has also taken up awareness campaign programme on total sanitation in 3 gram panchayat of nearby area. Besides this the WCMG has conducted several meetings in nearby villages on sanitation as an issue of the day. People should understand the need of sanitation for their day to day life.
Awareness Programme on Watershed Management:
It has focused on watershed management & created awareness for the need of protection for natural resource so as to ensure sustainable development of individuals. The programme was organized of 3 days in Begunia block. Participants from different villages of Khurda district had participated in this programme.
Animal Welfare Programme
Animal Husbandery Welfare Service:
The organization has been providing health services to the domestic animals of Ranpur block under Nayagarh district. Medical check up & vaccination is going on with the district support of the local live stock office staff. The organization has undertaken training programme piggy & poultry project suitable to unemployed youth of the block too during the year.
Celebration of Road Safety Day:
As the number of vehicle increasing more & more traffic problem is rising every day. So to keeping this issue in mind the WCMG has taken a unit active to make the public as well as the drivers aware on road safety. In this respect the WCMG has conducted a programme for 3 days in Nayagarh.
Foot Ball Tournament:
The WCMG not only concentrating on women's welfare but also trying to put emphasis on the unity of youth. Because youth is our present, future & strength. In this respect WCMG has conducted a foot ball tournament with the youth of Arikama.
Khadi & Village Industry Programme
:Khadi Artisan List
It has organized Khadi work Certified & direct listed by K.V.I.C. Ministry of MSME Govt. of India & financed by SBI Rajsunakhala under ISEC scheme Rs. 5,20,000/- engaged 100 nos. spiner & 100 nos. weiver under Cotton & Silk Khadi programme.
The organization is continuing in the track of development of the society to bring a change in the lives of poorest & marginalized section of people who are qught to get the support & cooperation. The motto is to bring equilibrium through various attempts of progress & development, change is a process not take place at the movement of eye lead but a process of time talking so called gradual with patience, confidence & a power within to face vehementaly.